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Enjoy Mágico Izamal

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➢ Enjoy Mágico Izamal

Only 70 kilometers from the city of Mérida

Izamal a magical city full of flavors and stories

Is only 70 kilometers from the city of Mérida and is a Pueblo Mágico (magical city), also known as the city of "the 3 cultures". Given a title due to the fact that it has a great pre-Hispanic past focused on colonial buildings and a present life, do not lose yourself in this beautiful city.

Getting lost in the Yucatán means rediscovering yourself with colors, flavors and stories , stories full of magic that inherit beliefs and values ​​that unite people. So we know that there is nothing more peaceful and safer than walking the streets of its cities or colorful cities to be incorporated into this fantastic culture ; Now, when we talk about cities and colors is Izamal colonial city in the east of Yucatan, the Las Almas Tour & Travel Offers you because you will have the pleasure to visit them and enclose this city in your hearts.

The magical yellow city of Izamal means "dew falling from the sky" in Maya and was founded on the remains of an ancient Maya city . It is known in two ways: as the "City of the Hills", for the pyramids that are inside, and as the "City of the Three Cultures" , this for the harmony that exists between the Mayans, Spaniards and contemporaries.

If you thought that these are all the names given to the city, you have to mention the name that would perhaps be most infamous - “La Ciudad Amarilla” (The Yellow City). .You'll be confirming this from any point you've been - like it was a sepia photo or an extension of the Pantone range . The buildings retain an annoying but intriguing aesthetic , as if you are subtly continuing to look at them.

For its charms, as the oldest city on the Yucatan Peninsula and a living culture with a lot of history is maintained, as well as for its exquisite architecture , its large monastery and chapels, for popular art, Yucatecan cuisine and its festivals, it has been 13 years called Mexico's first magical city.

The magic of Izama l awaits you, so of course you will be amazed. This time we list a few key things to enjoy in this cultural destination that looks like an open museum .

➢ St. Anthony of Padua Convent

This Franciscan colonial buildings is distinguished not only by the ruins of the Centro Ceremonial P'a'ap 'Jool Chaak (P'a'ap' Jool Chaak ceremonial center ) from which as "La Casa de los Rayos" known "(The House of Blitzes), but for making with the same stones from the Mayan site. A daring act of amalgamation, which today is fascinating for travelers and for passionate architecture.

One fact that should be highlighted is that the site has one of the largest enclosed atriums in the world, surpassed only by another well-known European Catholic Church headquarters. Do you guess Exactly - St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. If you were wondering why this site, like many others today, is called Convent with no ex prefix, it is because it continues to work that way.

Inside you have the opportunity to visit the Museo Itzmal Kauil (Itzmal Kauil Museum) or “Santo Lugar del Brujo del Agua” (Holy Place of the Water Sorcerer) in Maya. There you will find old and more recent photos of Ciudad Amarilla (Yellow City), archaeological finds, colonial objects, some paintings and pictures of a visit by Pope John Paul II from the nineties.

➢ Go to the Archaeological Site of Izamal

According to historians, Izamal had excellent connections with all cities through the sacbés, or "white roads" that allowed the city to control the area of ​​more than six thousand square meters in the north of the peninsula. This happened in the pre-classical period - about 2,700 years ago.

Even then, Izamal had planned an entire community whose pyramids and buildings refused to disappear, such as Habuk, Itzamatul, K'inich K'áak 'Mo', El Conejo and Kabul. You can still know her, so you can take pride in having been to one of the oldest cities in the Mayan world .

➢ K'inich K'áak 'Mo'

K'inich K'áak 'Mo' is the largest surface pyramid on the Yucatán Peninsula and the third in all of Mexico after the Pirámide del Sol in Teotihuacán and Cholula in the state of Puebla.

Rupestrian but imposing, K'inich K'áak 'Mo', allows you to explore it to see it fully. To do this, you have to climb some parts before you can admire the impressive view from above . You wo n't want to get down.

His Mayan name has a powerful and magical meaning; it means "Guacamaya de Fuego con Rostro Solar" (fire macaw with sun face) . It was believed that the god Kinich descended from him in his ara form to purify the offerings and sacrifices of the people that swere later taken to the Mayan cemetery.

The Itzamatúl pyramid is the second largest structure in Izamal. In the Mayan language, it means "the one who receives or possesses the grace of heaven" and it was a temple dedicated to the god Zamná .

➢ Izamal historical center

Currently one of the most representative places in Izamal is the “Plaza Zamná” , also called “Del mercado” (market square) , next to the monastery. At first it was much bigger, five times to be exact, but it was divided to be used for different purposes like the hospice, the first town hall, the public prison and even the military barracks.

Eventually it was divided into two parks - 5 de Mayo and Zaragoza, and a square called 2 de Abril or Plazuela del Toro, where bullfighting and cockfighting took place. When you visit this place, you can buy handicrafts ,eat something tasty or rest in the shade of the trees . However, if you want to enjoy the surroundings and take a unique walk , you might want to get on one of the “calesas” (horse-drawn carriages) parked right there. This tour takes place on board a horse drawn carriage instead and is driven by a city guide that gives you a little story tells, as you learn more about the "Ciudad Amarilla". In case you wonder, one of the questions many travelers ask when you see all the houses in a uniform color is why you choose yellow as the city color .

Although there is no specific answer, some locals say that the visit of John Paul II . It owes a kind of tribute to the colors of the Vatican , while others say it was due to people's affection for corn is The Mayans considered it sacred. Whatever the reason, the truth is that this enchanting city is fascinating and grand. We assure you that it will soon be on your list of favorite destinations.

» Route of the Legendeny «

➢ 1. - Stroll through the streets and squares

Izamal maintains an image of elegance with villas and beautiful houses painted in ocher yellow and white . His lively and safe life allows you to walk the streets, admire the colors in the squares and corners. It seems your travel time stopped I didn't believe when they said everything was yellow until I saw it. Believe me, the panorama is very special ! How do i do your tour You can go for a walk, ride a bike or get in the buggies or Siege and go for a romantic horse ride . The buggies are in Central Park in front of the monastery.

Depending on the size of the buggy , you can enter these cars, which are decorated with antique details , as a couple and up to four people .
The horses are very calm and well cared for , the driver tells a lot about the historical route and the daily life of Izamal it is very interesting.
The bike tour is also a pleasant experience. Izamal Bikes and Crafts shows the local culture through urban and sustainable tourism with these rides that are safe and inspiring to move around in your own time. Those responsible for this service offer two tours, a long one and a short one, where you Discover attractions such as workshops, pyramids and chapels and get to know the legends. In all variations you will get opportunities to admire sights . You will also discover the beautiful corner of the arch that serves as the buttress of the monastery, the city ​​palace, the chapels such as the Nuestra Señora María Santísima, the Los Remedios and the Carmen chapel. Corners like the deer, the fallen cross, the pineapple and many others, in addition to the squares like the Plaza de Zamná, surrounded by portals, the May 5th Park, the Izamal Culture and Craft Center, the market and its picturesque neighborhoods don't miss them!

» Route of the Brothers «

➢2. - Enter the Convent of San Antonio de Padua.

Izamal a Magical City-013 As you approach the steps of this monastery, you will discover one of the most important buildings in Mesoamerica.

This monastery is located on the plateau of the main hill of Izamal,
from which, upon entering, we can marvel at the 75 arches that make up the largest enclosed atrium in America and the second largest in the world. Here you can see a monument that commemorates the historic visit of Pope John Paul II in 93 , a miracle for religious tourism. It is a must have if you have one.

Want to experience a photographic adventure or go on a photographic safari. You will learn about the history of this important monastery and upon entering you will be amazed at the interior of which there is a beautiful baroque altarpiece covered with a golden bath, niches with images such as "Santa Lucia" and the "Coronation of the Virgin" as queen ". del Cielo ” and under the image of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception . On the banks of the portals you have a wonderful view of the Kinich-Kakmó pyramid and the city with the calm movement of its residents, in addition to the cobbled streets and yellow colors that highlight this rich culture.

At night, the panorama of the monastery is admirable , because from Monday to Saturday at 8:30 am, "La Luz de los Mayas" begins at night , a multimedia show projected onto the arches in which a historical documentary is mixed with Maya works and musical compositions by interpreters from the region as well as children's voices of Mayan origin, something unforgettable!



You will also discover why it is the city of hills. Find pyramids as Tu'ul (rabbit), Habuk, Izamatúl and others, but the really surprising thing is the Kinich-Kakmó- pyramid "Feueraras with sun face ", their interpretation is that the Mayans believed the god Kinich was When the sun burns to burn and purify the offerings or offerings of the Mayan pantheon, and this is done in the form of a macaw, doesn't that sound interesting? If you only know the meaning that amazed me, now wait for me to tell you that this is one of the largest pyramids in Mexico because its base is really huge and the landscape is worth admiring. Izamal also offers guides to learn more about its history. Do not miss the opportunity to climb up there and look at the landscape from above. You will be fascinated with the colors of the jungle, the city and now you can see the monastery . You feel a great mood. You will forget about the heat and fatigue, it is something new, something very recommendable.

➢ Craftsmen Route

➢ 4. - Visit the Cultural Center.

The cultural center is a space that offers a lot of color, learning, and a variety of handicrafts as its shop sells many yesterday and today Mexican items with contemporary designs by indigenous people from rural communities . This center is also home to the Henequén Museum, the native plant of Yucatán from which a wide range of products is obtained. here the rescue of the henequen haciendas is revived and much is learned from them. Another option is to enjoy the cafeteria and relax in the spa . This So cultural center offers more than just good learning , as you are sure to have moments of relaxation, entertainment and shopping.

Speaking of handicrafts, on the route you cannot missthe workshops of the masters of Izamal popular arts , such as wood carving, paper mache art, hammock making, embroidery and much more . In which you can even work together with the craftsman, and have a fascinating further experience and memory. In Central Park, the craftsmen are particularly well established on Sundays, here you can marvel at the works and take a souvenir home with you.

➢ 5. - Eat and party.

One of the many values ​​that we find in Izamal is the cuisine, in which you will always surprise yourself with the flavors of Yucatec cuisine and the mixed recipes. To enjoy these dishes, there is nothing like the municipal market and Kinich restaurant, where you can try the lime soup, the beans with pork, the stuffed cheese, the pipian and the chicken stew. For breakfast: the traditional chaya with egg and the unmissable and best-known: their cochinita pibil, the papadzules, the panuchos and their tamales with banana leaves, accompanied by drinks such as xtabentún, the aniseed drink, the coconut pozol and the horchata and to round off the yucca and Pumpkin candy some real delicacies.

➢ Festivals

There are many traditional festivals but the main ones are lived in December as the Izamal Foundation is celebrated and the festival of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception is held with fairs, guilds, music bands, fireworks, processions, food and a live participation of its people.

» Experience more «

➢ Ask us "Las Almas Tour & Travel" We adapt your stay according to your wishes

To discover nature like an explorer, you can visit the Oxwartz archaeological park, located 30 kilometers from Izamal.
You can also enjoy indigenous communities such as Sitilpech, Xanabá, Kimbilá and Cuauhtémoc, where you are sure to have unique experiences.
Another unique Mayan experience is that which you get when you visit the Sahuncat Cenote in Homún
You can combine the activities of the routes that you like the most and request assistance and reservations from the tourism department.

Mágico Izamal

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➢ Mágico Izamal

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Mágico Izamal
Languages: English, Spanish,

Mágico Izamal
Tour Duration:
The price depends on your wishes, as well as hotel choice, visits. We therefore ask you to provide details when booking. So we can start putting together an offer for you.

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per person