Internet Security
You can find us in: Main office in: Mexico/ Dubai/Germany +52 55 4661 0879

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Habibi World Travel & Tour and Las Almas Tour & Travel

Welcome to Habibi World Travel & Tour

Internet Security

Internet Security

If you have received any questionable or deceptive emails that claim to be sent from HABIBI WORLD TRAVEL & Tour und Las Almas Tour & Travel , please contact before replying or clicking on anything within the email. We will contact you at the earliest to verify whether the email was actually sent from the HABIBI WORLD TRAVEL & Tour office. Should any emails be determined to be fraudulent, our team will immediately carry out the necessary investigations.

 Internet Security

HABIBI WORLD TRAVEL & Tour und Las Almas Tour & Travel will never sell your personal information. To learn more about how we protect your privacy, please visit our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

Recognise phishing and scams:
Scammers will usually attempt to acquire your personal information through emails or text messages that appear to be sent by legitimate companies or people that you know. Responding to these types of phishing messages or even just clicking anywhere on the email will allow the scammer to obtain your personal information or capture sensitive data. Scammers will also create storylines to convince the receivers that their help, usually through sending money, is needed to help a friend or acquaintance out of a difficult situation.

Phishing and scam emails have a few common storylines, such as:

Suspicious log-in attempts or activities recognised

Claims of a problem with your online accounts or payments

Requests for the receiver to confirm personal information

The sender urgently needing your help

Phishing emails will typically ask for:


Your help in purchasing items (such as gift cards)

Usernames and passwords

Bank account information, credit card number, or other personal financial details

Answers to private questions that you might have used to guard your passwords

Avoid Phishing: There are a few keys to help identify whether a phishing email is impersonating somebody from HABIBI WORLD TRAVEL & Tour und Las Almas Tour & Travel :
1.- Ensure that the message you received fits in with the context of any prior communications.
2.- Emails from Habibi s Membership Team will only collect personal details during times of application and renewals through form documents, not directly in email messages.

Privacy Policy:
Unless otherwise agreed with you, we will only collect basic personal data about you, which does not usually include any special categories of personal information about you (often known as ‘sensitive personal data’). This information does, however, include the likes of your name, email address, business type, business name, work address, job title and any interests you have indicated you have.

All the personal data we hold about you will be processed by our staff members. Without your permission we will never send your data to any third parties except those who directly assist us to provide the services.

If at any point you wish to either confirm whether your personal data is being processed and/or access the data we hold on you, you can request to see this information free of charge, and we will respond to this request within a month.