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Enjoy Mágico Cuetzalan del Progreso

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➢ Enjoy Mágico Cuetzalan del Progreso

famous birds in the country, the quetzal...

Cuetzalan del Progreso

In Mexico there are thousands of beautiful places waiting to be discovered with Habibi Word Travel & Tour. The Pueblo Mágico (Magic City) of Cuetzalan is one of them, and it is really a good idea to combine this magical place with other magical places during your stay in Cuetzalan. The county is located in the rocky mountains of Puebla, three hours from the state capital, and is surrounded by beautiful coffee plantations, caves, grottoes and film-worthy forest landscapes covered in mist.

It is the birthplace of one of the most famous birds in the country, the quetzal, after which Cuetzalan is named. It is worth mentioning that this city was founded in 200 BC By the Totonacas. Because of the cultural synergies generated by the conquest, it was renamed to San Francisco Cuetzalan under colonial rule.

A trip to this mountainous region allows you to discover the culture and traditions of the Náhuatl and Totonaca through a variety of ancestral rituals, which are still practiced in the region, such as the Voladores (flyers) or the Danza de los Quetzales (Quetzal) dance), which was declared an Intangible Heritage by UNESCO in 2009.

Stroll through the cobblestone streets, which resemble a storybook scene, and enjoy the quiet ambience.On weekends is in the middle of the town square a traditional marketplace. In this marketplace there are often pre-Hispanic traditions such as the trade and barter with local products, to avoid money. It is without a doubt a fantastic opportunity to develop your negotiation skills

. When you're done exploring the market, we recommend visiting the Casa de la Cultura de Cuetzalan (Cuetzalan Cultural Center), an ancient mansion that currently houses the Calmahuistic Ethnographic Museum, where you can learn more about the Pueblo Mágico Cuetzalan -Hispanic History.

. The Temple of Saint Francis of Assisi is a must see. The impressive tower is over 60 meters high and one of the tallest in Puebla. This religious structure is known to locals as Iglesia de los Jarritos (The Church of the Small Jars) because its decor includes a series of clay jars.

Cuetzalan is one of the most important coffee producing regions in the country. If you want to learn more about coffee production and theplantations in the region, don't hesitate to book a tour of the Reserva Azul plantation at Las Almas Tour & Travel, located just three kilometers from this Pueblo Mágico. Enjoy not only the process of coffee production, but also enjoy the panoramic views of the Sierra Norte of the country.


➢Don't miss the waterfalls of Cuetzalan

. A destination full of adventure is offered to you there. Las Almas Tour & Travel will take you to the most beautiful places in Mexico

. In Cuetzalan, ecotourists will discover a natural paradise surrounded by waterfalls, where all kinds of adventurous activities are possible. Buried deep in the Bosque de Niebla (cloud forest), three waterfalls await discovery

. Start your expedition in the Cascada Las Hamacas, a natural space composed of a series of sinkholes and a majestic waterfall . Swimsuits are essential, as you will undoubtedly want to dive into a crystal clear bath in the crystal clear water . If you want to spend a night in this pristine environment, you can rent campsites.

. Continue your expedition through the Bosque de Niebla,by going to the Waterfall Las Brisas , which is an ideal place for a day trip and a swim in its natural pond. The impressive 17-meter waterfall is a must-see, especially if you are traveling with your family, as you can experience it while swimming in the natural 2-meter waterfall ) deep sinkhole just below, culminating in a children's pool.

. The El Salto Waterfall is the perfect place to brave vertigo in a very safe way. This waterfall is the smallest of the three, being only 30 feet high. Make sure you have your ropes ready, as it is possible to rappel down the rock face and descend over the water. Swimming is not recommended as strong undercurrents are common.


➢ Grottoes


Unterground Beauty

. Nestled in Puebla Sierra Norte Mountains, Cuetzalanis surrounded by natural beauty discovered to wait. One of the most popular attractions hereis the cave system. The cave system of Cuetzalan is the third largest in Mexico with over 21,000 meters of caverns.


What can I do in a grotto?

. One of the most popular destinations is the grotto El Duende (The Elf), because it is a family-friendly hike that is possible for both young children and older adults in good physical condition. It has two rappels, underground semi-flooded caves and a maze. It is located only 11 minutes from the center of Cuetzalan in the district of Cuichat . A sculpture of Nahui , the elf, will welcome you. Interestingly, Nahui means "four" in Náhuatl and alludes to the natural elements.

. Adventurous people should not miss the experience of exploring the Chichicazapan Caves , located just 25 minutes from the Pueblo Mágico of Cuetzalan . You will have to walk downhill for about 40 minutes before reaching the entrance to the cave. Once you have done this, you will need to wear the protective helmet with a mounted light provided. After a short hike, you will hear the flowing water. It is important that you are accompanied by an experienced guide at all times, as you will pass through about 500 meters of winding passages and aquifer systems where the water level can rise up to your neck.

. Be sure to visit the Los Corales grotto while you are in Cuetzalan del Progreso . It was formerly used to distill alcohol and is currently open to the public. In about an hour and a half , visitors can walk through rock formations 200 meters high , decorated with helictites that resemble stalactites , but shaped like coral. We recommend you combine Cuetzalan del Progreso with magico Puebla city or Bernal , enjoy the incredible beauty of Puebla.

➢Top places of interest in Cuetzalán del Progreso


➢ Zona Arqueológica De Yohualichan.

It is somewhat fascinating because of the way the constructions are maintained and the sudden adjustment that nature makes, impressive it is the complex structure of the culture.

➢ La Poza Pata de Perro. ...

➢ Uma Jardín Botánico Xoxoctic. ...

➢ Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe O Iglesia de los Jarritos. ...

➢ Museo Casa del Huipil. ...

➢ Jardin Botanico Xoxoctic. ...

➢ Cascada las Brisas. ...

➢ Cascada Las Hamacas.

Take a fascinating journey through time, with all the comforts of today. You will be delighted by this dreamlike place.

Enjoy Mágico Cuetzalan del Progreso

Welcome to Habibi Tour

➢ Enjoy Mágico Cuetzalan del Progreso

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Mágico Cuetzalan del Progreso
Languages: English, Spanish,

Mágico Cuetzalan del Progreso
Tour Duration:
The price depends on your wishes, as well as hotel choice, visits. We therefore ask you to provide details when booking. So we can start putting together an offer for you.

Price: US Dollar $ request
per person